I yearned for a new, more fitting banner in this weblog site. And I got one. Thanks to my Flow. :-)
(Hope you like this one!)
I yearned for some new make up and clothes this week. And I got some.
I yearned for some rest. And I got some.
I yearn for some inspiration. And I don't get some.
I wish for a 'magic wand waving fairy godmother'. But I don't get one.
I yearn for so much. And I think it's no good. At all.
But what exactly is yearning? I think about it a lot. And I think about it because the second presentation of our Acting Class will be about that, amongst other things.
Basically it's about sisters who have a desire. Who yearn for something and have no clue how to get there. I'm looking forward to make that little play. The presentation will be in december. A flyer will follow.
But first I have two weeks 'off'. I have no acting class, no courses and no singinglessons for two weeks. But a lot of work to do when I want to. I have a lot of vocal work to do if I want to sing like I want to. (Still, after all those years of singinglessons, pfff...) and I have a lot of inner work to do as well.
It's all about perseverance and discipline.
Okay, so far about the yearning-thing. It's time for some 'now' moments and some relaxation.
In the meantime, I would appreciate some reactions and opinions about yearning, desires and wishes. What do YOU think it is and how does it affect a human?
Best wishes to y'all ;-)
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