Toch ben ook ik geen fan van koude. Mooie truien maar kopen dus. Vandaag moest ik er toch ook echt aan gaan geloven; de kachel aan. De teller staat 's morgens op 16 C. Als ik alleen was geweest, had ik eerst nog een dikke sweater aangeprobeerd, net zoals gisteren, maar ik kreeg visite en die kun je niet in de kou laten zitten, letterlijk. Grappig is dat sinds enkele weken meneer de Einzelganger ook de hele dag binnen wil zitten, op m'n schoot kroelen en alles. Of het nu is omdat het thuis rustiger is geworden of vanwege het weer, het maakt niet zoveel uit eigenlijk, het is wel gezellig. Met Mr D erbij houden we elkaar lekker warm. Toch is er één plekje die iets warmer is vanaf vandaag...en daar wordt natuurlijk graag gebruik van gemaakt...zie hier... Morgen is de herfst volgens de keltische jaarkalender op zijn hoogtepunt (hij begon al in augustus) en dat wordt herfstevening, of het oogstfeest Mabon, genoemd. Perfecte dag voor een boswandeling, maar die heb ik even uitgesteld tot zondag. Dan ga ik Bergen even in. Mabon gaat naast de oogst (wat heb je letterlijk en figuurlijk geoogst? Ik niet zoveel helaas :P, maar de boeren hier in de omgeving wel) over balans. Balans tussen dag en nacht (hij slaat weer door naar de nacht, de dagen worden korter) en van de balans opmaken van wat wel en niet bij ons past, waar je echte talenten liggen en wat je mee wilt nemen naar de winter. Als ik hier zo over schrijf, vraag ik mezelf af hoe het met mijn balans zit, en wat balans nu precies is. Vind het een vage term. Wanneer ben je in balans? En hoewel het duidelijk moge zijn dat het ene niet zonder het andere kan (dualiteit, polariteit), hoe ver mag of kun je overhellen naar de ene kant of de andere kant, zonder dat je de balans verliest? Ik hoor graag van jullie wat je van dit onderwerp vind of wat jouw antwoorden op deze vragen zijn! | |
Deze verscheen van de week bij mijn huis; de balans tussen regen en zonneschijn? Liefs, Shanna | |
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vrijdag 21 september 2012
Warmte en Balans
dinsdag 18 september 2012
Gevraagd: enthousiaste, initiatiefrijke toetsenist(e)/songwriter of eventueel band in omgeving Alkmaar die nummers kan schrijven en daar graag een zangeres (en later band) bij wil. Mijn doel is om pop/rock (en enkele metal) nummers te maken en in het begin ook ev. enkele covers om op elkaar ingespeeld te raken. Daarna optreden. Oefenen gemiddeld 1x per 2 weken voor mij. Ik heb zanglessen gevolgd en vanaf ong 2003 ervaring in twee bands opgedaan. Voor een impressie zie
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maandag 10 september 2012
Food Fatigue
Food. I love food and I've always been interested in food and health.
But now I put a hold on the subject, because you can pull it a little bit too far. Not me, exactly, but it's just a whole study on itself. It maybe will be one of the school subjects when I'm heading school again next year (more on that in the future) but it will never be my whole occupation.
My neighbour, whom I recently met, studies orthomolecular medicine and I believe fytotherapy. She's starting her own consulting firm. She's vegan. I find it very interesting. But there's just so much to know and she talks and talks about proteins, bowels and so forth. In the end I'm dizzy of all the information. I did learn from her that , as a vegetarian, I actually dó have to take vitamin B12. I thought I could get it just from my food, walnuts and stuff. Fail.
Then there's my favorite website, which includes all subjects I love. About 'kind' food, 'kind' living and 'kind' parenting. It's called The Kind Life and is made by actress Alicia Silverstone. Check it out!
I'm happy that I have some friends who have the same interest. A while ago I went to some nature shops and local farmers shops, pretty much the first time in my life. Just to check out and try some new food. Some of them turned out to be really gross (like almond milk, yuk!), some of them really nice. I'll keep on coming there every week to buy good food.
Today I was in the pet shop and asked them if it's really best to give my dog meat in stead of dog chunks. I read some things on BARF, which I now know means Bones And Raw Food. The man actually told me that a dog is no meat eater, but also needs granes. And in meat (and canned food) there's so much water, it is not that nutricient for dogs. And he also said that it depends on what dog you have (breed, age) and consider in what environment or time he lives in (2012, housedog) so you have to look at this particular dog's needs as well.
Well, another new thing to know, pfff. He said to me that it's not possible to know all necessary things about petfood, if you're a layperson. It's just a whole study on itself. And I guess he's right. But since I want to know what's best food for my dog, I asked him his opinion and I can ask that to the vet as well. Théir profession, not mine. :)
If I want to know what food is best for me, I have to feel what's best for ME ánd check out some professionals in food/vegetarian food. Do good research.
For now, I'm suffering from food fatigue, so I lay this to rest.
Byebye you wolverines! ;)
Here's a video, so wrong...but................ full of food and summer tunes :)
Love, Shan
Food. I love food and I've always been interested in food and health.
But now I put a hold on the subject, because you can pull it a little bit too far. Not me, exactly, but it's just a whole study on itself. It maybe will be one of the school subjects when I'm heading school again next year (more on that in the future) but it will never be my whole occupation.
My neighbour, whom I recently met, studies orthomolecular medicine and I believe fytotherapy. She's starting her own consulting firm. She's vegan. I find it very interesting. But there's just so much to know and she talks and talks about proteins, bowels and so forth. In the end I'm dizzy of all the information. I did learn from her that , as a vegetarian, I actually dó have to take vitamin B12. I thought I could get it just from my food, walnuts and stuff. Fail.
Then there's my favorite website, which includes all subjects I love. About 'kind' food, 'kind' living and 'kind' parenting. It's called The Kind Life and is made by actress Alicia Silverstone. Check it out!
I'm happy that I have some friends who have the same interest. A while ago I went to some nature shops and local farmers shops, pretty much the first time in my life. Just to check out and try some new food. Some of them turned out to be really gross (like almond milk, yuk!), some of them really nice. I'll keep on coming there every week to buy good food.
Today I was in the pet shop and asked them if it's really best to give my dog meat in stead of dog chunks. I read some things on BARF, which I now know means Bones And Raw Food. The man actually told me that a dog is no meat eater, but also needs granes. And in meat (and canned food) there's so much water, it is not that nutricient for dogs. And he also said that it depends on what dog you have (breed, age) and consider in what environment or time he lives in (2012, housedog) so you have to look at this particular dog's needs as well.
Well, another new thing to know, pfff. He said to me that it's not possible to know all necessary things about petfood, if you're a layperson. It's just a whole study on itself. And I guess he's right. But since I want to know what's best food for my dog, I asked him his opinion and I can ask that to the vet as well. Théir profession, not mine. :)
If I want to know what food is best for me, I have to feel what's best for ME ánd check out some professionals in food/vegetarian food. Do good research.
For now, I'm suffering from food fatigue, so I lay this to rest.
Byebye you wolverines! ;)
Here's a video, so wrong...but................ full of food and summer tunes :)
Love, Shan
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